The Party | Eyes Wide Shut | Breda
You are about to find out about the biggest tantric temple party in the Netherlands.
Our parties are:
- sensual, energetic and partly sexual;
- substance free, so no alcohol or drugs;
- to liberate and transform sexual energy into freedom, expansion, wisdom and consciousness;
- over 250 people joining;
- high end;
- with beautiful spirits that walk there individual spiritual path;
- private character, so no filming, no photo's will be taken, not by the guests and not by the organisation. We don't reveal other people's identity to those who were not at the party.
Our events are unique in the world. Read all about this event below...
As the moon cast it's silver glow upon the city, you step into the velvety embrace of the night, dressed in nothing but silk lingerie, a flowing cape billowing behind you, and a mysterious masque veiling your face. Each step you take is a dance with the darkness, a silent promise whispered to the stars above. A shiver courses through your body, a sensation teeming with anticipation, tinged with fear, ignited by desire, fueled by power, and suffused with love.
Tonight, you will lose yourself in the embrace of the night, surrendering to the intoxicating allure of the unknown and dancing amidst the stars. Because, you are a guest at the most exquisite party of the year: you are at.................
Eyes wide shut - The title says it all. It's gonna be a night with apparent contradictions.
Eyes wide shut is a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. He himself was inspired by the book "Traumanovelle", a German book written by Arthur Schnitzler. When the lead characterconfides in her husband about a captivating fantasy involving a strikingly handsome officer, jealousy consumes him to the core of his being. Under the cloak of darkness, he slips away into the night, guided by the whispering winds towards a grandiose and opulent mansion. Within it's walls, a lavish soirée unfolds, a gathering of the filthy affluent and influential rich. At the end of the movie, the husband is full of questions without answers. As a viewer we don't know what was real and what wasn't.
One of the deep and profound themes in the book and film is that we can not always distinguish in life what is real and what is a dream. This theme connects to one of the major topics in the wisdom of the TAO. The Taoist prioritizes the realm of dreams over the tangible world, viewing it as the canvas upon which we can shape and manifest our destinies. A taoist wants to "wake-up" in his dreams. Becoming a lucid dreamer.
The film subtly explores themes of relationship stagnation, hedonism, lust, darkness, integrity, and perseverance. We encourage you to delve into the depths of your being, embracing both the light and shadow aspects of your healthy feminine and masculine energy.
Together, we embark on a ceremonial journey to embrace the depths of our healthy darkness while shedding the layers of the unhealthy. Through a mesmerizing ritual, we unmask ourselves, basking in the liberating freedom to reveal our true, authentic faces to the world.
Although the theme has been chosen many times at erotic parties, this time it will be from another place. So please be ready to go deeper and beyond.
When you leave the venue, your eyes will be wide open.
Ecstatic Temple the Party
Ecstatic Temple the Party is more than just a party, it’s a culture, it’s a movement. We offer nights full of memorable experiences. In these beautiful deepening events, you will experience authentic connection, intimacy and growth of consciousness. You will expand and liberate captured parts within yourself.
Our temples parties are inspired by Taoism, Tantra and Transformational sexual energy. By this we mean that we use sexual energy to uplift the crowd and bring in eros to transcend together to another dimension. Also to transform blockages, shame, impressions, dogmas and suppression of you as a sexual human being. All of this so we can connect to our authentic selves. During our temple parties, powerful protocols and ancient wisdom will be used to help us transform at deeper energetical levels.
Our temple parties are always hosted at a beautiful location with pure spirits. By pure spirits we mean people who walk the path of self-consciousness and personal development and growth. Spirits who admire to take good care of themselves as human beings and whose energies becomes more refined. It’s going to be a night to remember.
Safe space
If this would be your first time coming to a temple, you might be nervous or find it exciting. And that makes sense. It really does take some courage to take the step and join. But almost everyone who joined the first time and was nervous, tells afterwards it was all worth the tension before. And actually, that there’s nothing to be nervous about. Because it really feels like a safe space for everyone. Are you curious about visiting a temple but also nervous?
Let us explain what you can expect
Upon arrival, we first start by taking moments to relax. It is important that everyone feels safe. That is why we always start by calming down the nervous system. At the beginning we clearly explain to the mind what the evening entails, what is allowed and what is not. We will tell you more about what we do to keep this a safe space during the evening. Safety always starts with yourself. Feeling and keeping yourself safe is essential and we will help you with that. This does not mean that you cannot be triggered. It does mean that if you get triggered, we are there to help you through this trigger. Then, we slowly move on to connecting exercises. Sometimes familiar, sometimes new exercises. Each temple party is inspired by elements such as connection, boundaries, consent, safety and eros.
The Temple
Around 9 PM it is time to open the free flow part of the evening. We will invite the best temple priest and priestesses we can. So, for those who prefer: there will be some kind of facilitating and guidance. But this temple evening cannot be compared to a more private temple with less people.
A temple can be seen as a safe space with a very high sexual energy field. As we all have the capability to soultravel to other timelines and dimensions, we can all tap into the field of sexual trauma. For those among us who have suffered from that in this lifetime, this sexual energyfield in the temple can be triggering. The space holders are trauma informed and can guide you through those triggers. If you know you are easily triggered, please tell our team. In the end, this field can help to heal parts from your trauma.
Being in this beautiful safe space including the high sexual energy field, where you are conscious of your own boundaries, can be very healing. A space holder who occasionally checks in with you to see if you are okay during an exchange gives deep relaxation to your system. We also want to achieve mastery over sexual energy. Sexual energy is the most powerful creative energy found in this universe. With this energy you can shape your world. Our evenings give a boost to your manifesting power. This space is created and welcomes all of you and it also request more self-sustainability. Quite a lot is allowed, but under certain conditions. Penetration of the lingam in yoni or anus is not allowed. Oral adventures are fine with us, if you have explicit consent, but you must keep your underwear on. So be creative. If you have any doubts if this party is for you, please contact us.
Our Temples are built on a few basic principles
Δ Safety is the foundation upon which we build our temples.
Δ We see the body as a temple. Treat yourself and others with love and respect. The evening is alcohol and substance free. Of course, you can get naturally high, while enjoying the ride.
Δ Integrity to yourself. You decide at any time whether you participate in something and how. We regularly check whether you are okay. If we detect any doubts, we will help you to take the time to really feel what is right for you at that moment before you take the next step. You are ultimately responsible for your limits. We will offer sufficient check-in moments in which you are invited to check if an exercise or exchange is serving your soul path.
Δ Integrity to others. Everything you experience stays indoors. If you want to enthuse someone about our temple, feel free to tell them about your experience. We do ask that you keep the identities of others to yourself.
Δ All emotions are welcome, but not when it is projected onto another person. Trainers, space holders and participants can stop the exercise at any time.
What is a Temple Party?
For us, this signifies creating a sacred space where intimacy flourishes. We bring a big team of space holders who can help people if they are triggered or dissociated. But, as this will be a group over 200 people, you have more responsibility for yourself. If you feel you are triggered, you better stop what you are doing or go slower. In a more private temple, we would encourage you to go through this triggered place. Because this is a party, our aim is to have the best night ever. But in the same time, we can not avoid al the triggers. And if they are there, we will collectively deal with it.
When we look at the world there are so many problems. How can we party like this?
We believe that one of the solutions to some of the problems is to start living our birthright. So let’s start celebrating life to the supreme level as much as we can. A person in ecstatic joy, can’t harm another person. Let’s continue the temple party revolution right here.
Details & Practicalities
Δ This theme is a barefoot edition or better to say: without shoes
Δ The temple is at a beautiful location in the center of Breda
Δ We open the doors at 6.30 PM the door will be open from 6.30 till 7.15 PM. The night starts from the moment you step in!
Δ The dress code calls for a blend of sacredness and allure. How might the embodiment of the dark feminine or masculine appear at a luxurious masquerade ball? Is it in the elegance of lingerie, adorned with exquisite lingerie and a flowing cape? Embrace your authenticity, dare to be bold, and shine as your true self! Check Pinterest for ideas about the dresscode.
Δ Closing around 00.30; we will end with a closing ceremony. 01.00 leaving the venue
Δ Contribution: early bird € 99,- normal bird € 119,- and late bird € 139,- incl. VAT, prices includes bites, water & tea.
Δ There will be a no refund policy.
Δ Tickets are non-refundable. If we have a waiting list, we will assist by offering the tickets to other guests.
Δ Language: English
Δ If you have any questions, please send us an email to
We, the whole team, are looking so much forward to meet you at our Ecstatic Temple - The Party - Eyes Wide Shut.
With love,
Mano & Manon & Team
Our parties are:
- sensual, energetic and partly sexual;
- substance free, so no alcohol or drugs;
- to liberate and transform sexual energy into freedom, expansion, wisdom and consciousness;
- over 250 people joining;
- high end;
- with beautiful spirits that walk there individual spiritual path;
- private character, so no filming, no photo's will be taken, not by the guests and not by the organisation. We don't reveal other people's identity to those who were not at the party.
Our events are unique in the world. Read all about this event below...
As the moon cast it's silver glow upon the city, you step into the velvety embrace of the night, dressed in nothing but silk lingerie, a flowing cape billowing behind you, and a mysterious masque veiling your face. Each step you take is a dance with the darkness, a silent promise whispered to the stars above. A shiver courses through your body, a sensation teeming with anticipation, tinged with fear, ignited by desire, fueled by power, and suffused with love.
Tonight, you will lose yourself in the embrace of the night, surrendering to the intoxicating allure of the unknown and dancing amidst the stars. Because, you are a guest at the most exquisite party of the year: you are at.................
Eyes wide shut - The title says it all. It's gonna be a night with apparent contradictions.
Eyes wide shut is a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. He himself was inspired by the book "Traumanovelle", a German book written by Arthur Schnitzler. When the lead characterconfides in her husband about a captivating fantasy involving a strikingly handsome officer, jealousy consumes him to the core of his being. Under the cloak of darkness, he slips away into the night, guided by the whispering winds towards a grandiose and opulent mansion. Within it's walls, a lavish soirée unfolds, a gathering of the filthy affluent and influential rich. At the end of the movie, the husband is full of questions without answers. As a viewer we don't know what was real and what wasn't.
One of the deep and profound themes in the book and film is that we can not always distinguish in life what is real and what is a dream. This theme connects to one of the major topics in the wisdom of the TAO. The Taoist prioritizes the realm of dreams over the tangible world, viewing it as the canvas upon which we can shape and manifest our destinies. A taoist wants to "wake-up" in his dreams. Becoming a lucid dreamer.
The film subtly explores themes of relationship stagnation, hedonism, lust, darkness, integrity, and perseverance. We encourage you to delve into the depths of your being, embracing both the light and shadow aspects of your healthy feminine and masculine energy.
Together, we embark on a ceremonial journey to embrace the depths of our healthy darkness while shedding the layers of the unhealthy. Through a mesmerizing ritual, we unmask ourselves, basking in the liberating freedom to reveal our true, authentic faces to the world.
Although the theme has been chosen many times at erotic parties, this time it will be from another place. So please be ready to go deeper and beyond.
When you leave the venue, your eyes will be wide open.
Ecstatic Temple the Party
Ecstatic Temple the Party is more than just a party, it’s a culture, it’s a movement. We offer nights full of memorable experiences. In these beautiful deepening events, you will experience authentic connection, intimacy and growth of consciousness. You will expand and liberate captured parts within yourself.
Our temples parties are inspired by Taoism, Tantra and Transformational sexual energy. By this we mean that we use sexual energy to uplift the crowd and bring in eros to transcend together to another dimension. Also to transform blockages, shame, impressions, dogmas and suppression of you as a sexual human being. All of this so we can connect to our authentic selves. During our temple parties, powerful protocols and ancient wisdom will be used to help us transform at deeper energetical levels.
Our temple parties are always hosted at a beautiful location with pure spirits. By pure spirits we mean people who walk the path of self-consciousness and personal development and growth. Spirits who admire to take good care of themselves as human beings and whose energies becomes more refined. It’s going to be a night to remember.
Safe space
If this would be your first time coming to a temple, you might be nervous or find it exciting. And that makes sense. It really does take some courage to take the step and join. But almost everyone who joined the first time and was nervous, tells afterwards it was all worth the tension before. And actually, that there’s nothing to be nervous about. Because it really feels like a safe space for everyone. Are you curious about visiting a temple but also nervous?
Let us explain what you can expect
Upon arrival, we first start by taking moments to relax. It is important that everyone feels safe. That is why we always start by calming down the nervous system. At the beginning we clearly explain to the mind what the evening entails, what is allowed and what is not. We will tell you more about what we do to keep this a safe space during the evening. Safety always starts with yourself. Feeling and keeping yourself safe is essential and we will help you with that. This does not mean that you cannot be triggered. It does mean that if you get triggered, we are there to help you through this trigger. Then, we slowly move on to connecting exercises. Sometimes familiar, sometimes new exercises. Each temple party is inspired by elements such as connection, boundaries, consent, safety and eros.
The Temple
Around 9 PM it is time to open the free flow part of the evening. We will invite the best temple priest and priestesses we can. So, for those who prefer: there will be some kind of facilitating and guidance. But this temple evening cannot be compared to a more private temple with less people.
A temple can be seen as a safe space with a very high sexual energy field. As we all have the capability to soultravel to other timelines and dimensions, we can all tap into the field of sexual trauma. For those among us who have suffered from that in this lifetime, this sexual energyfield in the temple can be triggering. The space holders are trauma informed and can guide you through those triggers. If you know you are easily triggered, please tell our team. In the end, this field can help to heal parts from your trauma.
Being in this beautiful safe space including the high sexual energy field, where you are conscious of your own boundaries, can be very healing. A space holder who occasionally checks in with you to see if you are okay during an exchange gives deep relaxation to your system. We also want to achieve mastery over sexual energy. Sexual energy is the most powerful creative energy found in this universe. With this energy you can shape your world. Our evenings give a boost to your manifesting power. This space is created and welcomes all of you and it also request more self-sustainability. Quite a lot is allowed, but under certain conditions. Penetration of the lingam in yoni or anus is not allowed. Oral adventures are fine with us, if you have explicit consent, but you must keep your underwear on. So be creative. If you have any doubts if this party is for you, please contact us.
Our Temples are built on a few basic principles
Δ Safety is the foundation upon which we build our temples.
Δ We see the body as a temple. Treat yourself and others with love and respect. The evening is alcohol and substance free. Of course, you can get naturally high, while enjoying the ride.
Δ Integrity to yourself. You decide at any time whether you participate in something and how. We regularly check whether you are okay. If we detect any doubts, we will help you to take the time to really feel what is right for you at that moment before you take the next step. You are ultimately responsible for your limits. We will offer sufficient check-in moments in which you are invited to check if an exercise or exchange is serving your soul path.
Δ Integrity to others. Everything you experience stays indoors. If you want to enthuse someone about our temple, feel free to tell them about your experience. We do ask that you keep the identities of others to yourself.
Δ All emotions are welcome, but not when it is projected onto another person. Trainers, space holders and participants can stop the exercise at any time.
What is a Temple Party?
For us, this signifies creating a sacred space where intimacy flourishes. We bring a big team of space holders who can help people if they are triggered or dissociated. But, as this will be a group over 200 people, you have more responsibility for yourself. If you feel you are triggered, you better stop what you are doing or go slower. In a more private temple, we would encourage you to go through this triggered place. Because this is a party, our aim is to have the best night ever. But in the same time, we can not avoid al the triggers. And if they are there, we will collectively deal with it.
When we look at the world there are so many problems. How can we party like this?
We believe that one of the solutions to some of the problems is to start living our birthright. So let’s start celebrating life to the supreme level as much as we can. A person in ecstatic joy, can’t harm another person. Let’s continue the temple party revolution right here.
Details & Practicalities
Δ This theme is a barefoot edition or better to say: without shoes
Δ The temple is at a beautiful location in the center of Breda
Δ We open the doors at 6.30 PM the door will be open from 6.30 till 7.15 PM. The night starts from the moment you step in!
Δ The dress code calls for a blend of sacredness and allure. How might the embodiment of the dark feminine or masculine appear at a luxurious masquerade ball? Is it in the elegance of lingerie, adorned with exquisite lingerie and a flowing cape? Embrace your authenticity, dare to be bold, and shine as your true self! Check Pinterest for ideas about the dresscode.
Δ Closing around 00.30; we will end with a closing ceremony. 01.00 leaving the venue
Δ Contribution: early bird € 99,- normal bird € 119,- and late bird € 139,- incl. VAT, prices includes bites, water & tea.
Δ There will be a no refund policy.
Δ Tickets are non-refundable. If we have a waiting list, we will assist by offering the tickets to other guests.
Δ Language: English
Δ If you have any questions, please send us an email to
We, the whole team, are looking so much forward to meet you at our Ecstatic Temple - The Party - Eyes Wide Shut.
With love,
Mano & Manon & Team
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Bio-energetica sessie
“Al langer liep ik rond met vastzittende opgekropte emoties. Daarom heb ik een bio-energetische sessie bij Mano ondergaan om deze emoties te releasen. En wow, wat een sessie werd het! Het was intens en bevrijdend !

Bio-energetica sessie
Na een kort voorgesprek waarin Mano al snel zoveel vertrouwen kweekte dat ik me helemaal overgaf, volgde een serie oefeningen om mijn spanningen en emoties los te weken en te releasen. Van schudden en dansen, tot ademen en boksen.
