
Temple of Kinky Christmas

Welcome to the Temple of Kinky Christmas

Facilitating by Mano de Kok & Manon Snoek
Join us for a transformative evening of exploration and connection at our Conscious Tantra Kink Temple. This event is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding of intimacy, pleasure, and consensual kink within a supportive community.
What to Expect:
Guided exercises focusing on breath, movement, and sensation
Practices that integrate tantra principles with kink
Opportunities for deep connection and communication
Safe space to explore desires and boundaries

This evening is open to all, whether you’re new to tantra and kink or looking to deepen your existing practice. Come as you are and be ready to embrace a journey of self-discovery and connection.
We look forward in sharing this experience with you!

We warmly welcome you to participate in our Temple. In this beautiful deepening evening, we aim for authentic connection, intimacy, and growth of consciousness. Our temples are inspired by Taoism, Tantra, and Transformation. Transformation of blockages, shame, impressions, dogmas, and everything that stands in the way of living your authentic self. During this temple, powerful protocols and ancient wisdom will be used to transform at deeper levels of yourself.

If this is your first time coming to a temple, it is of course exciting. It really does take some courage. For those who find it too exciting, we explain below what you can expect.
Our temple is at a beautiful location and with beautiful spirits. By beautiful spirits we mean people who walk the path of conscious development, want to take good care of themselves and whose energies becomes more refined. Upon arrival, we first start by taking moments to relax.

It is important that everyone feels safe. That is why we always start by calming the nervous system. At the beginning we clearly explain to the mind what the evening entails, what is allowed and what is not. We will tell you more about what we do to keep the evening safe.
Safety starts with yourself. Feeling and keeping yourself safe is essential and we will help you with that. This does not mean that you cannot be triggered, but it does mean that if you are triggered, we are there to help you through this trigger.
Then we slowly move on to connecting exercises. Sometimes familiar, sometimes new exercises. Each temple evening is inspired by elements such as connection, boundaries, consent, safety and eros. And we work with a monthly changing in-depth theme such as “Deep Surrender” or “Pearl Consciousness”.

The Temple
Around 10 PM it is time to open the free flow part of the evening. Quite a lot is allowed, but under certain conditions. If you're looking for sex, you better go somewhere else. Sex is allowed, but it rarely happens in our temple. What does happen a lot is softening, deep connection and parts opening in the mind and body that were locked before. Most people experience a charged, orgasmic feeling in their body the day and sometimes even days afterwards.
What also takes place is healing from trauma. Many, or perhaps all of us, have had cross-border experiences somewhere when it comes to intimacy. Say yes, even though you feel no. Being in a field where you are conscious of your boundaries can be very healing. A man or woman who occasionally checks in with you to see if you are okay during an exchange gives deep relaxation to your system.
We also want to achieve mastery over sexual energy. Sexual energy is the most powerful creative energy found in this universe. With this energy you can shape your world. Our evenings give a boost to your manifesting power. This space is created and welcomes all of you.

Our Temples are built on a few basic principles
Δ Safety is the foundation upon which we build our temples. 
Δ We see the body as a temple. Treat yourself and others with love and respect. The evening is alcohol and substance free. Of course, you can get naturally high, enjoy the ride.
Δ Integrity to yourself. You decide at any time whether you participate in something and how. We regularly check whether you are okay. If we detect any doubts, we will help you to take the time to really feel what is right for you at that moment before you take the next step. You are ultimately responsible for your limits. We will offer sufficient check-in moments in which you are invited to check if an exercise or exchange is serving your soul path.
Δ Integrity to others. Everything you experience stays indoors. If you want to enthuse someone about our temple, feel free to tell them about your experience. We do ask that you keep the identities of others to yourself. 

Are people allowed to have sex in your temple?
Yes, but we advise otherwise. If you are meeting someone for the first time, don't have sex in our temple for the first time. If you like each other, get to know each other better before connecting to this sacred part of lovemaking. If you feel a very strong impulse or you have known each other for a while, we recommend that you check all four wisdom centers in your body. By this we mean your head, heart, belly, and your sex. The head is there to tackle problems. Make sure you don't have any problems with this level of intimacy. Your heart asks you if you are really connected enough with this person, if not then your heart will not be in favor. Your belly may be filled with emotional concerns of fear or doubt. Listen to your gut and ask what it needs for that special moment. And your sex will probably be the one that feels like a yes. Don't underestimate the wisdom of your sex, it is much wiser than you might think.
Can it also be just a fun night out?
Yes and no. Yes, of course you can just have a very nice and connecting evening. We also ask you to really empathize with the theme and look for depth in your consciousness and body. It is a unique field, with a huge opportunity to gain consciousness. Our worldview is that we are here to grow in consciousness and thereby develop more wisdom that benefits you as a person, the people you love and your community. So, handle it with grace. 

Details & Practicalities
Δ Facilitator Mano Leon de Kok
Δ The address of the location will be communicated after you bought your ticket, it is in the east of Amsterdam
Δ We open the doors at 6.30 PM, the door will be open from 6.30 till 6.45 PM, at 6.45 PM we start!
Δ Dress code will be sacred and sexy. How would you like to be dressed? Is this in lingerie, nice underwear and a beautiful kimono? Be authentic, be bold, be you!
Δ Closing around 00.00, we will end with a closing ceremony, 00.30 leaving the temple
Δ Contribution: prices between € 77 and € 99 ex VAT, prices includes bites, water & tea
Δ Ticket is non-refundable. If we have a waiting list, we will assist by offering the tickets to other humans
Δ Language: English, unless everyone speaks Dutch
Δ If you have any questions, please send us an email to

Who are the founders?
Meet Manon

Manon is a trauma release breath work coach and bodyworker specialized in de-armouring of the body. For the last 15 years she studied Intuitive Development |NLP Practitioner & Master |Reiki | Meditation & Spiritual Relationships with Jan Geurtz |TCC Transpersonal Coaching | Shivananda Yoga | Yin and Vinyasa Yoga| Pralaya Yoga | Transformative Yoga in India |the International School of Temple Arts ISTA level 1 and 2 | Transformational Breath with Mr. Breath | Body Remembers Trauma Therapy & Trauma Release Breathwork | Activated Woman by Sofia Sundari |Bridgeman Academy "In to me I See" | Chakra Activation | Basic Shamanism || Practitioner de-armouring at The Gaia Method | TAO "Pearl Consciousness" mystery school with Reinoud Eleveld. Mano & Manon are a couple and together they facilitate temples and breathworkcircles. Manon is also available for 1:1 breath work and de-armouring sessions on Ibiza and Amsterdam. and
Meet Mano
Mano has walked a path where he was mainly touched by the Buddhist and Tantric philosophy of life. That means that for him sitting still and doing nothing (meditation) is the most powerful practice of all the exercises he has ever experienced. In addition, the tantric and TAO way is a very nice addition to enter the inner landscape through the body according to Mano.

Mano has studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam / Gestalt (psychology) education and training / Dzogchen Buddhism from Jan Geurtz / International school of temple arts ( ISTA) / TAO training (Chinese mystery school about energy) from Reinoud Eleveld. 
He mainly works as a transformative coach, using tantra and tao for bodywork. Before all this he had a company in healthcare with over 100 locations. He sold his company a year ago. Mano is als a conscious creator and entrepreneur. and
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