Esther Geskus
About me...
I combine my love for holistic transformation work and my passion for tantra in my sessions, workshops, events, trainings, and retreats. It gives me immense satisfaction to guide people in connecting with their authentic core, body, emotions, self-love, and life force energy, so they can experience their "SPARK" again.

During my own journey of self-love, personal development, and expanded consciousness, I discovered that to find balance, I needed to engage in transformation work on various aspects of myself and my life.

When I talk about transformation work, I refer to freeing oneself from trauma and releasing blockages, making you feel freer. This encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels. Tantra is also about freeing oneself and expanding one's consciousness. In Sanskrit, “Tan” means liberation and “Tra” means expansion. In other words: Liberating Expansion. This is where transformation work and tantra intersect.

For me, tantra is also about embodied spirituality. It’s about the relationship with your body, your self-image, your beliefs, processing emotions, and the flow of your life force energy.

Transformation work and tantra have brought me so much. I began making different choices in life, which made me feel freer and happier. As a result, my life force energy started flowing again, and I felt connected to my true essence. This has made me more confident, powerful, and balanced with everything I experience in life. Consequently, I can pursue my passions and do what I love and gain energy from.

Everything I have learned over the past years through various educations, trainings, and courses comes together here. I then present it in the form of sessions, retreats, events, and workshops, and in-depth one-on-one programs.

My mission? To help you feel freer and happier, and more connected to your body, emotions, passion, “spark,” and authentic self!

Now, I derive immense satisfaction from sharing the knowledge and experience I’ve gained with you. So that you too can get the most out of life. And in turn, inspire others. So together, we can create Heaven on Earth.

♡ Esther